The Bike Oven is an industrious space where we lend you the tools and give you the knowledge to wrench on your own bike. The space is run by volunteers.
We offer stand time and use of our tools for a suggested donation of $10 an hour, plus parts.
We are not a bike shop, please be patient.
Lack of funds is not an issue here. Please ask about our work-trade program.
You will be turned away if you disrupt the space.
Although we are not a bike store we do sell refurbished project bicycles that have been serviced by our Wrench volunteer staff.
In conjunction, we offer "A Build Your Own Bike" program, where you learn to assemble a bicycle from a bare frame!
We do require a firm time commitment for wrench volunteer staff. You must also participate in management meetings. But can work with any schedule. To get started, please fill out the Volunteer Form.
Because everyone is welcome!
We threw it away and lit it on fire. If you want to watch TV and hang out on the couch, stay home.
Everyone is encouraged to wrench and to teach what they have learned.
We do not allow private events at the bike oven, not even for your quinceañera.
Bike Oven is an education hub.
We are not responsible for personal items left behind, with the exception of project bikes.
No, the bike oven does not rent out bicycles for any event.
We are under new management.
No, The bike oven needs volunteers of any skill level and background.
Show up help out learn and teach what you have learned.
We are still trying to figure that out. Come on down and find out for yourself. We are always looking for new volunteers.